Method and Conditions of Delivery
Our products are shipped from our factory in Tekirdağ-Ergene to İstanbul. Our yarns are based on net weight in kilograms. The packed weight of the purchased product and auxiliary materials are not included in the sale weight. Our yarns are shipped in boxes, pallets or sacks, depending on the requirements of our customers. Ne 50/1 and thinner yarns and our custom-blend products are delivered only in boxes. Average net weight of packaging is as follows: *Pallet: 470 kg standard Euro pallet *Sack: 46 kg 30 bobbins *Box: 27 kg 18 bobbins or 27 bobbins. Our production and shipping tolerances: +/- %20 in 500 kg/color and smaller orders +/- %10 in 500 kg/color and bigger orders